This past weekend, John Howson (Canadian National Director Emeritus) gathered BFP'ers & friends and took us touring the Galilee.
Signs of spring were everywhere. Lower Galilee, known as the Israeli Tuscany, looks so alive in its fresh green color. On Mt. Carmel, overlooking the Megido-Jezreel Valley, we read I Kings 18 as well as remembered that other battles are to occur here. The upper Galilee mountains, covered in terraced growing fields are a wondrous sight.
Mt. Tabor stands alone, like an upside down teacup at 1 ,350 ft. above sea level. The valley floor below it is very fertile.
Mt. Hermon at 2,814 meters above sea level, in its splendor overlooks the Hula Valley. My eyes simply could not look enough!
At the Mt. Bental lookout (upper level of the volcanic ridge that is the Golan Heights), we looked into Syria, stretched out our hands and interceded.
Wish you had been with us, but since you weren't, enjoy the sights this way.
It must be a thrill to take it all in, with the wind in your hair and the smell of spring all around. I'd love to be there with you!